New members are welcome at Valley Radio Flyers.
We encourage all prospective new members to visit the field and have a chat with one of committee members so we can show you around and discuss any questions you may have.
Our membership period runs on the financial year calendar. Fees are due 12 months in advance on joining. There is a half year allowance if you join after 1st January of the calendar year. If you are already are a member of another club, we welcome associate members.
To fly solo in any of the disciplines, Fixed wing, Gliders or Helicopters, you must have your MAAA Bronze Wings. If you do not have your Bronze Wings, you must have an observer who does have their bronze wings with you at all times when you are flying.
The club is happy to assist you in achieving your Bronze wings. All associate members must be financial with their main club, and be able to produce their MAAA card on request.
We encourage all prospective new members to visit the field and have a chat with one of committee members so we can show you around and discuss any questions you may have.
Our membership period runs on the financial year calendar. Fees are due 12 months in advance on joining. There is a half year allowance if you join after 1st January of the calendar year. If you are already are a member of another club, we welcome associate members.
To fly solo in any of the disciplines, Fixed wing, Gliders or Helicopters, you must have your MAAA Bronze Wings. If you do not have your Bronze Wings, you must have an observer who does have their bronze wings with you at all times when you are flying.
The club is happy to assist you in achieving your Bronze wings. All associate members must be financial with their main club, and be able to produce their MAAA card on request.